Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Week 5 Sunday, 4th February 2007

Was going to give church a miss today to allow me extra time to work at the allotment, but in the end decided to go. I was so stiff when I woke up – not sure if it was the digging or if I’m coming down with the dreaded lurgy. Everyone at work has been infected and TD is not doing to well either. Just as well I ended up going to church as Joel was looking a bit down in the mouth and I ended up standing on a chair and giving me a huge big bear hug.
Measured the potato patch and it is 6ft x 27 ft long. So more than enough space – might even get the corn in as well. Have decided that I am going to interplant the FE potatoes with bush beans which I have read make good companion plants. Also will add a row or two of Jerusalem Artichokes at the start of the bed (closest to the shed). If nothing else the flowers will make a good show! The sweet potato I was trying to use to get slips has collapsed in on itself and been assigned to the compost heap. I will have to go and get some more – possibly a little smaller will be better. Will now split and put one in water and another in damp soil – see which method works!
Autumn Raspberry Patch – no its not weeds but green manure! OK with a few nettles in between !Franco was going to meet me at the lottie today for a cup of coffee and a look around but never turned up. Met my neighbour from across from me, Janet – she seems quite nice and is also a woman working her plot. Finally introduced myself to Martin (the Brit flying flagman) and he seems OK. Managed to get the Autumn fruiting raspberries cut down and was quite amazed at all the dead wood (even after the great chop last October). There was a lot of nettles around so I pulled them all up and popped them into a bucket to make some nettle soup for putting onto the early crops. Waste not, want not.
Woody did a runner and when I eventually went to find him he has throwing himself at the chicken coop down the road with the chickens going mad. Only glad that he did not manage to get one of them. Managed to get a couple more broad beans in along the brassicas and root bed. Should be good for mid season beans. Also have nearly managed to fill up the Poop bed – a couple more loads and it should be filled. Can then put some soil on top and have a lovely hot bed for the squashes. The grass in the orchard and out front of the lottie is really long and in dire need of a cutting. Will have to make a plan about a petrol lawnmower. Also a shed will not go amiss either. Then I can make myself a little hideaway and spend hours down at the lottie no matter what the weather. Bought a bucket of chicken manure from the lottie shop and managed to spread some over the onion bed, spinach patch and the broad beans. Will have to think about putting some kind of mulch down soon. The garden at home also needs a good seeing to and a good layer of chicken manure. The Clematis need to be pruned and a general tidy up will not go amiss.
Emptied out the potato barrel at home and found tons of little potatoes. This was the King Edwards from last season that I had not had a chance to harvest. Looked good but when we used some they were glassy and inedible. Well - I won’t be doing that in a hurry again. At least I can now clean the barrel for planting the Valor in and got quite a bit of good soil to use as a mulch in the back garden. Not sure if I must leave it at home or put it on the lottie. Space was a problem last season with it next to the shed.

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