Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Week 8 ending 28th February 2007

Sunday, 25th February 2007

Ron and TD came with me and we went off to Dorchester to the Cottage Garden Association meeting and a talk by Jekka McVicca. It was really lovely and the talk was not too bad. At least I learnt that I should put my Sweet Cicely seeds in the fridge as it has not been cold enough to have enough stratification to enable the seeds to germinate. So I will now pop them into the fridge for a couple of weeks. Also managed to get a signed copy of Jekka’s new book on herbs, which is quite a good read. I was disappointed that Jekka only had seeds on her stand and not plants – I only got one packet on garlic chives from her!

Oh well, at least I managed to get a Fewerfew and prostrate Rosemary from the plant table sale. While I was at the talk Ron and TD went looking for Chessel Beach – they found it but the tide was too far out and they were almost blown away. Stopped off at Liz and Gerrard and he will try and get me some more potting trays and some wood chips for the walkways at the lottie. Fingers crossed!

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