I think that the hedgehogs have come out of hibernation because they seem to be driving Woody nuts. They have made their house under the shed in the back garden. I cannot make out if the hedgehogs are eating the food I am putting out or Woody. The slugs and snails sure seem to have dramatically dropped off - so I am almost sure that they are back in action.
Managed to get all the tomatoes seeds in – they are now snugly in the propagator – GROW little babies – GROW!! Must have about 10 varieties!! Lord knows where I am going to put them all. Also managed to get all the sunflower seeds pricked out and some of the Aubergine and Chilli plants done as well. Found a packet of cardoon seeds lurking in my collection – thought I had sent all of them away on swopsies and forgot to keep myself some – so a bit of a bonus. I believe you can eat the leaves – they taste a bit of celery but I think that I will grow one or two just for the flowers. Anyway put a few seeds in to see if I can get a couple of decent plants for the lottie.
Thank goodness that I checked the Cactus dahlia “Cerise Pink” stools on top of the fridge (they’ve only been up there for about a fortnight) - and they were fighting to get out of their container. Took a couple of cuttings to use for swopsies with Mikey and others on Allotments 4 All later on. The begonias are not doing much though so gave them a good watering and put them back on top of the fridge. The dahlia sttols are being consigned to the greenhouse. I will need to think about getting the flower bed dug and manured for planting out later in the season. Must make up my mind about whether or not I lift the Bishop of Llandoff and move to the lottie and make the back garden pick theme ??
I also still need to prick out the cauliflower seedlings – they are also reaching for the starts – maybe tonight after I come back from the lottie and planting the last of the first early potatoes “Vivaldi”. Also want to put in another row or two of carrots as it is a good time to plant root vegetables now.
Most of my cabbage plants seem to have bitten the dust. From two whole trays of pricked out seedlings they all seem to have died. Maybe I started them too late. Will have to plant a row on the lottie and see if I have any better luck. From my autumn experience with the cabbages that I planted I have a horrible suspicion that I have club root ! Fingers crossed it was only cabbage fly that attacked.
Tuesday, 27th March 2007
Went down to the lottie after work and got the last row of “Vivaldi” First Early Potatoes in. Did quite a bit of watering of the seeds planted. Can see some life in the pea patch where I planted the calendula as a companion plant. Otherwise no other real life showing yet.
Wednesday, 29th March 2007
Managed to climb into the lawn out front. Ron raked out all the old growth and I started making holes in the left side of the lawn. Will have to go and buy some fertilizer, weed killer to put on the lawn and hopefully it will come right and look good this year. That is if we do not get another drought as it currently being predicted.
Thursday, 28th March 2007
Got all the pepper seeds from Real Seeds so quickly went and potted them all up. Pricked out some Par-Cel seedlings – will have to leave the rest until they are a bit bigger. Will keep the Melon seeds until mid April to plant out. Ron and the boys are going to attempt to dismantle my new green house tomorrow. So fingers crossed it goes well and they do not break too many pieces of glass. Hopefully I will be the new owner of a lovely BIG greenhouse on the lottie by the end of this week-end.
Saturday, 31st March 2007
Ron and the boys managed to get the greenhouse down with only 6 panes of glass broken. Went down to the lottie after my ribbon embroidery class and helped unpack the glass panes. What a job it has turned out to be. Only hope that we get the damn thing together again!! Went and got Kentucky chiken for supper as a thank you to the guys.
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