Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Week 16 - Sow - Sow - Sow

Sunday, 15th April 2006

Was on tea duty at church so afterwards shot down to the lottie with a whole lot of plants to put in the cold frame and greenhouse. Took the bucket of stinking seaweed with. Thank Goodness. It was stinking hot and as I was not feeling too well I managed to get a row of salsify in and went home and had a cold late lunch. Spent the afternoon in bed as my back was really aching. Ron put up the wires in the greenhouse for me for later in the season to string the tomatoes, cucumbers and melons on.

Monday, 16th April 2007

Managed to finally sow the following : Courgettes : First Sowing : 16/4 green bush; Jemmer; De Nice a Fruit Ronde. Squash/Pumpkin : Early Butternut; Pottimarron; Early Summer Crookneck; Rolet Gem Squash; Green Hubbard Squash; White Custard; Squash, Cherimoya, Custard Apple; Melon's: Melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes'; “Ananas d’ Amerique a Chair Verte” ; Minnesota Midget and Zatta (sim. To Brattoma Buana) - for curiousity - it looks ugly from Red Parcel. Also managed to get the curly parsley pricked out. Planted 18 mielie seeds.

Friday, 20th April 2007

Ron went down to the lottie and mowed the lawn. He also collected 13 paving stones that John Goddard had donated to the lottie and placed them around the greenhouse. It is looking good! It was a bit early for the daffodils but we could not live with it any longer as it was starting to resemble a jungle. It is looking much better now – a bit shorn but better. The lottie is really coming together again. Have been going down regularly during the week to do a little bit of digging and clearing of weeds to prepare the beds for carrots and watering the plants in the greenhouse.

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